What Does ADIO Mean? ADIO is a phrase/acronym that is often used among chiropractors. It simply stands for “Above Down Inside Out.” In the chiropractic philosophy, ADIO beautifully summarizes how a living body can function as well as how it is able to heal in a complete state of well-being.
All functions in a body are controlled and coordinated by the nervous system, starting in the brain, the control center. We heal and develop and function through the innate ability given to every one of us by God, when we were created. From this “Above” power, life, healing, and mental impulses are sent “Down” from the brain and through the spinal cord. The control and coordination from “Above-Down” travels through your neurological system on the “Inside” of your body to the “Outside.” Spinal nerves branch off at each level of the spine, connecting the spinal cord from the “Inside” and then “Out” to the rest of the body.
The Above-Down, Inside-Out process of coordination controls the trillions of cells and their respected tissues, glands, and organs for the overall state of function and well-being. ADIO is a principle that simplifies the complex processes of physiology and body function and relies on the innate ability given to us by God to heal and grow from the inside-out rather than believing that we are smarter than the incredible intelligence of our Creator and using an outside-in approach to health and healing in our lives. With this principle, we know that the body can absolutely heal and it can absolutely adapt from the inside out. Through neurologic chiropractic care, we focus on supporting and encouraging that innate process by removing interference (subluxation) to the nervous system in that brain to body connection. This approach recognizes that the body is a complex system and that true health and wellness come from addressing the root causes of health problems rather than just treating symptoms from the outside in.
When complete function and well-being were developing within your body when you were an embryo, the first organ to develop was your neurological system. The brain and spinal cord extended throughout your entire body and connected every major organ that was being created. These vital connections taking place during the first couple weeks of your gestation created a pathway of coordination and control for your body to function as one complete body.
Your body is so intelligently created from atoms of elements that combine to form the molecules that make up the cells, tissues, organs, systems, and whole organisms. This level of structure forms the backbone of our Above-Down, Inside-Out principle to how the body functions in a complete state of well-being. We can break down each level of structure to better understand how they all coordinate and come together to form more complex structures to our whole being.
Cells: A cell is the smallest unit in the body, so it is the most inner aspect of your physiological processes associated with your health and well-being. Your cells are made up of the specific chemical components that can accomplish specific purposes and functions within the body.
Tissues: Tissues are composed cells with similar chemical components that collectively can work together to accomplished a shared purpose and function within the body. Examples of tissue type are connective tissues, muscle tissues and neurological tissues.
Organs: Organs are when you combine two or more tissues together to perform a shared specific purpose and function within the body. An example for an organ is the heart that includes connective tissue, muscle tissue and neurological tissue creating one organ.
Systems: Systems are when you combine organs together to perform a specific purpose and function within the body. An example of this is the digestive system combining the salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and rectum.
Organisms: Your entire body is one organism controlled and coordinated from Above-Down through the neurological system sending messages through the nerves for specific chemicals to be produced and actions and reactions to occur within the trillion of cells that make up the tissues, organs, and systems within the body from the Inside-Out to sustain well-being.
Within each of us resides an inborn intelligence, which God created in us, that coordinates your ability to function through a balanced biochemistry. This innate power guides the chemical processes of your body described above for overall well-being and balance. Your educated intelligence also aids in the proper choices in what to eat, how much to exercise, and when to go to sleep, but is ONLY AIDING as the innate power that coordinates the trillions of cells for actions is masterful compared to our limited control of the complex requirements to stay alive and well. Together, the choices you make for your well-being and your innate intelligence keep the trillions of cells functioning in a state of coordination, creating balance.